
Things to Consider When Building A Sensory Friendly Classroom

Things to Consider When Building A Sensory Friendly Classroom

Things to Consider When Building A Sensory Friendly Classroom

by Grace Golojuch, MS, OTR/L and Samantha Spelke, MS, OTR/L

Organizing a classroom is a difficult task for teachers and educators. It’s important to create a comfortable environment for students to learn and while creating a fun, personal space. But how do you create a place that accommodates children with sensory needs? Take a look at these things to consider when building a sensory-friendly classroom.

Create a quiet/sensory corner with decreased visual and auditory distractions such as bean bags, calming bottles, deep breathing cards, books, coloring pages, puzzles.

Add velcro under desks for an easy and cost-effective fidget for children.

Use visual timers between activities to keep kids with sensory needs on task. Create personalized visual schedules for kids that have more difficulty with transitions.

Designate a small area in the room where kids can move their bodies, such as hand-prints where they can do wall-pushups, yoga poses, and stretches. Try adapting seating for kids with poor postural endurance or self-regulation difficulties especially on the carpet.

Please talk to your Occupational Therapist for specific details and more information. Want to learn more about how to create sensory-friendly spaces and accommodate children with special needs? Give us a call at (202) 544-5439 or visit our website for more information.